Study Ladder Evaluation Matrix

Evaluation Matrix
Name of teaching resource
Study Ladder

Weblink (if web based)
Who should this digital teaching resource be used with? (ie year/grade)

The example that I have given is for year 1. Most of the subjects available are for Primary up to year 6 except for Mathematics and Naplan they go up to year 7

How should it be used? (e.g. individual, whole class)

Most of the tools on Study Ladder are designed to be individual based but you could use them in a group situation when displayed by projector on the board.

Which subject or learning area would it be most appropriate to use in?

The subject that I choose was Mathematics but Study Ladder covers most subjects.

Identify the strengths of this teaching resource

Study Ladder has a wide range of resources to use in the class room. Video’s, posters, individual activities, just to name a few. It is user friendly and the children can find there way around easily.
Identify any weaknesses of this teaching resource

I could not identify any weaknesses.

Explain any ideas you may have for further use of this teaching resource

Study ladder is a great tool for the class room and can help teachers plan their lessons. It is also based on the Australian Curriculum.

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